Potential Off-Taker Demand for Green Power-to-X Products

This web-based tool seeks to identify and assess potential off-takers for green hydrogen and its derivatives – green ammonia, green methanol, and green synfuel. It spans eight vital sectors: aviation, chemicals, fertilizers, industrial heating, refineries, long-haul transportation, shipping, and steel. It concentrates geographically on Brazil, South Africa, Namibia, and Germany due to their promising renewable […]

Green Ammonia Business Cost Models: Fertilizer and Shipping

This model facilitates discourse among industry stakeholders, policymakers, and financial institutions by dissecting the economic aspects of green ammonia production. It offers comprehensive cost estimates throughout the value chain, from production to off-take, for two key sectors: fertilizer and shipping. The tool delineates the cost breakdown for each sector, accounting for variations in time, location, […]

Production and Transportation Costs of PtX-Products

This dynamic analysis explores H2/PtX production and transportation costs in 2023 focusing on specific production sites in nine countries, including Algeria, Brazil, Egypt, and South Africa. The study scrutinizes production and transportation costs for various PtX products, providing valuable insights into the competitiveness of developing nations and emerging economies in the international market. The Green […]

Economic Viability of PtX Production in North Africa

This business case study analyses PtX-plant investments in North Africa targeting exports to Germany. A cash-flow model scrutinizes costs and revenues for various green products (hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, kerosene, marine fuel), considering diverse scenarios and factors such as different carbon sources for the production of Power-to-Liquids. The Green Hydrogen Business Alliance commissioned Frontier Economics to […]

Pipeline Transport Study: Cost Estimations of H2 Imports from North Africa

This analysis estimates the costs of transporting green hydrogen from North Africa and Ukraine to Germany, considering different transport options, including hydrogen pipelines, repurposed natural gas pipelines, and shipping. The analysis was conducted by Frontier Economics on behalf of the Green Hydrogen Business Alliance.


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