Welcome to the alliance!
The Green Hydrogen Business Alliance aims at contributing to a socio-ecological transformation in cooperation with the private sector.
It was established in 2019 on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
What we do
The Green Hydrogen Business Alliance supports the market ramp-up of green hydrogen while contributing to a sustainable development of partner countries. It identifies the challenges of the market and develops solutions together with the private sector.
The activities of the Business Alliance focus on countries with considerable potential for the production of green hydrogen. Key criteria in this context include the potential for expanding renewables, the willingness of policymakers to develop a green hydrogen sector and already existing industrial infrastructure in cooperation with private companies. The Green Hydrogen Business Alliance is active in multiple partner countries such as Brazil, Morocco, Namibia and South Africa.
Our Fields of Action
Market Collaboration
The Green Hydrogen Business Alliance champions global collaboration to drive the sustainable ramp-up of the green hydrogen and PtX market. We connect key stakeholders worldwide, sharing knowledge and promoting strong partnerships for scalable projects.
We enhance the visibility of partners’ projects, innovations, and success stories supporting local value chains that also benefit partner countries in the Global South.
Join us in creating a sustainable energy future through a holistic collaboration approach, including partners from the private and the public sector.
Market Intelligence
The Green Hydrogen Business Alliance empowers its partners to make informed decisions for the implementation of green PtX projects on an industrial scale. We localise green PtX industries and support business endeavours of network partners in developing and emerging countries.
We identify market barriers and provide insights on the feasibility of these projects by offering independent market information, such as market trends and business case analyses. We also provide policy briefs.
Our free weekly press monitoring keeps our partners informed of the latest news in the green hydrogen sector.
Market Oriented Solutions
The Green Hydrogen Business Alliance is dedicated to improving framework conditions for green hydrogen and PtX projects in partner countries. Together with our network, we address market challenges and develop solutions that benefit all, the private sector as well as our local public partners.
The Business Alliance thus developed the H2Global funding mechanism that is now used by governments globally to fasten the ramp-up of PtX-markets.
The H2 Business Alliance also supported the design of KfW’s PtX Development Fund that provides financial support to develop green hydrogen value chains in developing and emerging economies.
News from the Alliance
EHW Side Event: Pathways to Financing Hydrogen Projects in emerging Markets
Am Rande der Europäischen Wasserstoffwoche in Brüssel demonstrierten die Green Hydrogen Business Alliance (H2BA) und GET.invest ihr Engagement, Wasserstoffprojekte finanziell tragfähig zu machen, angesichts des großen Potenzials von grünem Wasserstoff für die Energiewende. Bei der Nebenveranstaltung am 21. November wurden die Beratungsdienste des Programms für diesen aufstrebenden Sektor vorgestellt. Während des Panels präsentierte Gregor Paterson-Jones, Finance Catalyst Advisor von GET.invest, den Werdegang von zwei Wasserstoffkunden von GET.invest, darunter HDF Energy .
Wenn Sie mehr über die Möglichkeiten erfahren möchten, sich bei GET.invest zu engagieren und Ihr Projekt bankfähig zu machen, zögern Sie nicht, Kontakt mit uns aufzunehmen !
Successful Dialogue Event– Legal Barriers and Opportunities of EU’s Legal H2 Framework
What are the most significant existing obstacles and opportunities within the EU hydrogen regulatory framework? This question was comprehensively analyzed by legal experts from the law firm Redeker Sellner Dahs and presented on November 21, 2024, at the GIZ Representation in Brussels.
The H2BA event welcomed 40 participants, including 20 representatives from the private sector, both in-person and online. The event aimed to facilitate an open exchange about the current EU regulatory framework for hydrogen. Company representatives shared their experiences with the application of the legal framework and discussed the challenges they faced, particularly those hindering final investments in projects. Participants expressed a high level of interest in the topics discussed, highlighting their importance for a successful and sustainable market ramp-up.
Are you encountering any specific regulatory challenges in the design of your hydrogen project? Join the dialogue and get in touch via h2-business-alliance@giz.de.
Factsheet: Green H2-Project Funding Mechanisms
Have a look at our new factsheet that explores various funding mechanisms designed to support investments in global green hydrogen production. The document is organised into five sections, each focusing on a different geographical region.
After examining European funding instruments, including the hydrogen IPCEIs, it provides an in-depth analysis of German instruments. The factsheet also reviews funding mechanisms in other European countries, multilateral instruments, and compares them with non-European instruments such as the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Each section differentiates between funding instruments aimed at the international or local regional market and those intended solely for the national market. The indicators analysed include the amount and donor, funding period, target countries and beneficiaries, funding volume per company, and status.
News from the Alliance
Am Rande der Europäischen Wasserstoffwoche in Brüssel demonstrierten die Green Hydrogen Business Alliance (H2BA) und GET.invest ihr Engagement, Wasserstoffprojekte finanziell tragfähig zu machen, angesichts des großen Potenzials von grünem Wasserstoff für die Energiewende. Bei der Nebenveranstaltung am 21. November wurden die Beratungsdienste des Programms für diesen aufstrebenden Sektor vorgestellt. Während des Panels präsentierte Gregor Paterson-Jones, Finance Catalyst Advisor von GET.invest, den Werdegang von zwei Wasserstoffkunden von GET.invest, darunter HDF Energy .
Wenn Sie mehr über die Möglichkeiten erfahren möchten, sich bei GET.invest zu engagieren und Ihr Projekt bankfähig zu machen, zögern Sie nicht, Kontakt mit uns aufzunehmen !
Successful Dialogue Event– Legal Barriers and Opportunities of EU’s Legal H2 Framework
What are the most significant existing obstacles and opportunities within the EU hydrogen regulatory framework? This question was comprehensively analyzed by legal experts from the law firm Redeker Sellner Dahs and presented on November 21, 2024, at the GIZ Representation in Brussels.
The H2BA event welcomed 40 participants, including 20 representatives from the private sector, both in-person and online. The event aimed to facilitate an open exchange about the current EU regulatory framework for hydrogen. Company representatives shared their experiences with the application of the legal framework and discussed the challenges they faced, particularly those hindering final investments in projects. Participants expressed a high level of interest in the topics discussed, highlighting their importance for a successful and sustainable market ramp-up.
Are you encountering any specific regulatory challenges in the design of your hydrogen project? Join the dialogue and get in touch via h2-business-alliance@giz.de.
Have a look at our new factsheet that explores various funding mechanisms designed to support investments in global green hydrogen production. The document is organised into five sections, each focusing on a different geographical region.
After examining European funding instruments, including the hydrogen IPCEIs, it provides an in-depth analysis of German instruments. The factsheet also reviews funding mechanisms in other European countries, multilateral instruments, and compares them with non-European instruments such as the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Each section differentiates between funding instruments aimed at the international or local regional market and those intended solely for the national market. The indicators analysed include the amount and donor, funding period, target countries and beneficiaries, funding volume per company, and status.
This overview factsheet explores various current funding mechanisms designed to support investments in global green hydrogen production. The document is organized into five sections, each focusing on a different geographical region.
It begins with an examination of European funding instruments, including the hydrogen IPCEIs, followed by an in-depth analysis of German instruments. The paper also reviews funding mechanisms in other European countries, multilateral instruments, and compares them with non-European instruments such as the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Each section differentiates between funding instruments aimed at the international or local regional market and those intended solely for the national market. The indicators analysed include the amount and donor, funding period, target countries and beneficiaries, funding volume per company, and status.
Interested in Namibia’s potential for the production and usage of green energies? We are happy to share with you our new study exploring how Namibia can achieve green industrialisation through renewable energy and mining. It aims to foster dialogue and collaboration amongst stakeholders interested in working towards green industrialisation in Namibia by providing a detailed overview of the Green Steel and Critical Raw Material sectors as potential drivers of green industrialisation, explaining the necessary conditions for their success. Additionally, it outlines the vital interconnections between power infrastructure, rail infrastructure, policies, and capital as key enablers for Namibia’s transition towards sustainable and inclusive industrialisation.
The report is based on outcomes of a multi-stakeholder workshop for which the below presentation was compiled by Systemiq.
This report explores how Namibia can achieve green industrialisation through renewable energy and mining. It aims to foster dialogue and collaboration amongst stakeholders interested in working towards green industrialisation in Namibia by providing a detailed overview of the Green Steel and Critical Raw Material sectors as potential drivers of green industrialisation, explaining the necessary conditions for their success. Additionally, it outlines the vital interconnections between power infrastructure, rail infrastructure, policies, and capital as key enablers for Namibia’s transition towards sustainable and inclusive industrialisation.
The report is based on outcomes of a multi-stakeholder workshop for which the below presentation was compiled by Systemiq.