PtX Country Support

The Green Hydrogen Business Alliance contributes to the rapid development of a sustainable hydrogen and PtX economy in partner countries. It supports partners to create the necessary regulatory and economic framework conditions removing market hurdles for private investments.

The measures including studies, trainings, and workshops, are demand-oriented and enable the partners to take relevant decisions towards a climate-neutral and social transition.

Country Support Namibia

Studies and workshops for a Just Transition in Namibia

In Namibia, the Green Hydrogen Business Alliance currently conducts studies on green industrialisation and certification. The measures are being conducted in partnership with the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and the Ministry of Industrialization and Trade (MIT).

The Business Alliance and its partners jointly explore leveraging renewable energy and mining for accelerated sector development and economic growth in Namibia. The Southern African country not only wants to export green hydrogen and its derivatives to Europe but also to utilize the momentum to strengthen the local economy.


Tailored PtX masterclasses for specific target groups

Since September 2023, the Green Hydrogen Business Alliance is conducting masterclasses to support awareness raising and in-depth understanding of green hydrogen and Power-to-X. 

The masterclasses are designed for different target groups. Those in the mining towns of Oranjemund and Rosh Pinah, for example, attracted thirty participants, including representatives from municipalities, mining industry professionals, teachers, and various SME owners.

In the upcoming months, we will invite to further masterclasses for different target groups.


Country Support Morocco

Dialogue with the private sector

Since the signing of the Green Hydrogen Partnership between Morocco and Germany in 2020, the Green Hydrogen Business Alliance supports the Moroccon Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN) in the realisation of a PtX reference plant.

Through exchanges and roadshow events, we facilitate the close dialogue with PtX-market participants in order to realise a transparent market environment in the framework of a public-private-project and thus decrease the existing investment risks.

A group of people on a business event

Representatives of MASEN, KfW, and the Green Hydrogen Business Alliance at a roadshow in Berlin, July 2023 ©GIZ

PtX production and pipeline cost studies

With two dedicated studies on PtX-costs in North Africa, we compared the profitability of different hydrogen derivatives. The results of the studies are crucial to guarantee the most efficient use of public funds supporting the ramp-up of the green hydrogen market.

A main study analysed the production costs of hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, kerosene and marine fuels considering different production scenarios. A study addendum focussed on potential pipeline routes between North Africa and Europe and the related transport costs.


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