EHW Side Event: Pathways to Financing Hydrogen Projects in emerging Markets

Am Rande der Europäischen Wasserstoffwoche in Brüssel demonstrierten die Green Hydrogen Business Alliance (H2BA) und  GET.invest  ihr Engagement, Wasserstoffprojekte finanziell tragfähig zu machen, angesichts des großen Potenzials von grünem Wasserstoff für die Energiewende. Bei der Nebenveranstaltung am 21. November wurden die Beratungsdienste des Programms für diesen aufstrebenden Sektor vorgestellt. Während des Panels präsentierte Gregor Paterson-Jones, […]

Successful Dialogue Event– Legal Barriers and Opportunities of EU’s Legal H2 Framework

What are the most significant existing obstacles and opportunities within the EU hydrogen regulatory framework? This question was comprehensively analyzed by legal experts from the law firm Redeker Sellner Dahs and presented on November 21, 2024, at the GIZ Representation in Brussels. The H2BA event welcomed 40 participants, including 20 representatives from the private sector, […]

Factsheet: Green H2-Project Funding Mechanisms

Have a look at our new factsheet that explores various funding mechanisms designed to support investments in global green hydrogen production. The document is organised into five sections, each focusing on a different geographical region. After examining European funding instruments, including the hydrogen IPCEIs, it provides an in-depth analysis of German instruments. The factsheet also […]

Factsheet: Green H2-Project Funding Mechanisms

This overview factsheet explores various current funding mechanisms designed to support investments in global green hydrogen production. The document is organized into five sections, each focusing on a different geographical region. It begins with an examination of European funding instruments, including the hydrogen IPCEIs, followed by an in-depth analysis of German instruments. The paper also […]

Study Launch: Localizing Green Industries in Namibia

Interested in Namibia’s potential for the production and usage of green energies? We are happy to share with you our new study exploring how Namibia can achieve green industrialisation through renewable energy and mining. It aims to foster dialogue and collaboration amongst stakeholders interested in working towards green industrialisation in Namibia by providing a detailed overview […]

Study: Localizing Green Industries in Namibia

This report explores how Namibia can achieve green industrialisation through renewable energy and mining. It aims to foster dialogue and collaboration amongst stakeholders interested in working towards green industrialisation in Namibia by providing a detailed overview of the Green Steel and Critical Raw Material sectors as potential drivers of green industrialisation, explaining the necessary conditions for […]


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